Generally, a healthy, well-managed lawn will not experience problems with invasive plants. Therefore, long-term control of exotic or opportunistic plants relies on restoring your lawn to a healthy environment. Without an overall lawn management program, you’re simply treating the symptoms and not the problem that led to the invasion.
Whatever the time or year, you should be proactively thinking about getting your lawn’s need met. You or someone you know may be on the fence about whether to hire a team of lawn care professionals. While the decision is ultimately up to you, there are a few factors to consider before making it. While it may be tempting to skip hiring a professional in order to forego the cost of labor, most people do not realize that doing lawncare yourself can end up costing just as much as hiring a professional. From buying the wrong product to seriously damaging your lawn, mistakes can be costly to fix, and may end up requiring a lawn care professional to fix anyway. Your lawn is more than just a nice space for you and your family to enjoy… healthy turf can add up to 15 percent to a property’s value, depending on your location. Investing in a professional lawn care program is financially beneficial in the lawn run.
Whatever the time or year, you should be proactively thinking about getting your lawn’s need met. You or someone you know may be on the fence about whether to hire a team of lawn care professionals. While the decision is ultimately up to you, there are a few factors to consider before making it. While it may be tempting to skip hiring a professional in order to forego the cost of labor, most people do not realize that doing lawncare yourself can end up costing just as much as hiring a professional. From buying the wrong product to seriously damaging your lawn, mistakes can be costly to fix, and may end up requiring a lawn care professional to fix anyway. Your lawn is more than just a nice space for you and your family to enjoy… healthy turf can add up to 15 percent to a property’s value, depending on your location. Investing in a professional lawn care program is financially beneficial in the lawn run.
Lawn Maintenance
Proper mowing, fertilization, watering, weed control are all no longer necessary!
Animals, especially female dogs, can cause considerable damage by urinating on a natural grass lawn. The displacement of animals wastes throughout a lawn will result in a patchy, uneven colored lawn, including dead spots. A margin of dark green, rapidly-growing grass may surround a patch of dying grass. Dog spots are often confused with patch-type lawn diseases and result in unnecessary lawn care expenses. Practices that will help correct damaged areas are: 1) watering deeply to disperse salt concentrations; 2) rake out and overseed severely damaged areas with a suitable seed mixture; and 3) train the dog to make use of a designated area away from the lawn.
With artificial grass, you do not need to worry about this! It is easy to keep the yard looking clean and beautifully green!
With artificial grass, you do not need to worry about this! It is easy to keep the yard looking clean and beautifully green!